開示情報 > Supplementary materials for“Notice Concerning Acquisition and Lease of Domestic Property”announced on October 14, 2020

Supplementary materials for“Notice Concerning Acquisition and Lease of Domestic Property”announced on October 14, 2020

Supplementary materials for“Notice Concerning Acquisition and Lease of Domestic Property”announced on October 14, 2020

開示者 【32920】イオンリート投資法人
文書名 Supplementary materials for“Notice Concerning Acquisition and Lease of Domestic Property”announced on October 14, 2020  
PDF/XBRL [別ウインドウでPDFを開く]
開示日時 2020/10/14 チャネル/カテゴリ 東京証券取引所 /その他
ノート ログインするとIR文書にメモを入力して管理することができます

開示情報 > Supplementary materials for“Notice Concerning Acquisition and Lease of Domestic Property”announced on October 14, 2020