開示情報 > Partial Correction to the “Information Materials for the 61st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders”

Partial Correction to the “Information Materials for the 61st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders”

Partial Correction to the “Information Materials for the 61st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders”

開示者 【85910】オリックス株式会社
文書名 Partial Correction to the “Information Materials for the 61st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders”  
PDF/XBRL [別ウインドウでPDFを開く]
開示日時 2024/06/18 チャネル/カテゴリ 東京証券取引所 /株主総会招集通知 / 株主総会資料
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開示情報 > Partial Correction to the “Information Materials for the 61st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders”