開示情報 > Notice of differences between non-consolidated financial results for the FYE2023 and the FYE2022

Notice of differences between non-consolidated financial results for the FYE2023 and the FYE2022

Notice of differences between non-consolidated financial results for the FYE2023 and the FYE2022

開示者 日本発條<5991>
文書名 Notice of differences between non-consolidated financial results for the FYE2023 and the FYE2022  
PDF/XBRL [別ウインドウでPDFを開く]
開示日時 2023-05-15 15:30 チャネル/カテゴリ 適時開示情報 / その他のIR
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開示情報 > Notice of differences between non-consolidated financial results for the FYE2023 and the FYE2022