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  • ・EDINETで開示されている法定開示書類(有価証券報告書、臨時報告書、大量保有報告書ほか)
  • ・TDnet(適時開示情報)で開示されているIR情報(決算短信、業績修正ほか)
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  • ・証券取引所等に提出されている定款・株主総会招集通知を収録
AI 人工知能 の検索結果 2件中 1-2件目(0.901秒)
The Dentsu Group enters into a capital and business alliance with Goals101, an India-based banking technology platform provider
2021/10/19 【4324】株式会社電通グループその他
The Dentsu Group enters into a capital and business alliance with Goals101, an India-based banking technology platform provider
引用: banking technology platform that enables Intelligent Banking. Goals101 is one of the fastest growing Bank & Data-Tech companies globally. Through its cutting-edge AI-driven platform, it leverages anonymized transaction data held by banks, allowing brands...
The Dentsu Group strengthens its digital marketing expertise in Japan by increasing its stake in Septeni Group to 52%
2021/10/28 【4324】株式会社電通グループその他
The Dentsu Group strengthens its digital marketing expertise in Japan by increasing its stake in Septeni Group to 52%
引用: business. It has established a strong competitive position through expansion of its client portfolio combined with expertise in the recruitment and training of digital experts, utilizing data-driven AI-type personnel systems. As a result, the Septeni Group...
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