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AI 人工知能 の検索結果 2件中 1-2件目(1.182秒)
[Delayed]FY09/19 Results Briefing Materials
2020/06/15 【8798】株式会社アドバンスクリエイトその他
[Delayed]FY09/19 Results Briefing Materials
引用: inquiry Insurer B Customer information management system * Sale is scheduled from spring 2020. Integration with artificial intelligence (AI) GOYOKIKI CRM software of other companies Insurer C 33III. Company Strategy: ASP Business (2) Insurance Policy...
[Delayed]Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended September 30, 2019
2020/06/15 【8798】株式会社アドバンスクリエイトその他
[Delayed]Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended September 30, 2019
引用: global geopolitical risks especially in the Middle East. Concurrent with growing diversification and sophistication of insurance products amid technological advancements such as AI and progress in medical technology, the insurance industry needs to...
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