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AI 人工知能 の検索結果 29件中 1-29件目(3.434秒)
FY12/21 Financial Results
2022/02/15 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
FY12/21 Financial Results
引用: aggressive recruitment and training of HR. (YoY) (YoY) (YoY) +23.5% +74.5% +142.1% • Steady growth in “AI Implementation support business” as projects become larger and longer. • Aim for sales growth is 23% and Operating profit growth is 51% through...
FY12/21 3Q Financial Results
2021/11/15 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
FY12/21 3Q Financial Results
引用: our quality of revenue. • Long-term/large-scale projects and AI system development projects expected continuous orders from customers as stock-type revenue are upward trend. • Due to the AI system development project order received was delay and...
Notice Concerning the Co-development of Advanced Diagnosis and TreatmentSystem for Social Implementation in an AI Hospital Initiative with Nihon Unisy
2021/10/11 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Notice Concerning the Co-development of Advanced Diagnosis and TreatmentSystem for Social Implementation in an AI Hospital Initiative with Nihon Unisy
引用:October 11, 2021 ALBERT Inc. (Stock code: 3906) 2-21-1, Kita-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Takeshi Matsumoto, President Notice Concerning the Co-development of Advanced Diagnosis and Treatment System for Social Implementation in an AI Hospital...
2021年12月期第2四半期 投資に関する説明会開催状況について
2021/08/16 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
2021年12月期第2四半期 投資に関する説明会開催状況について
引用:変化の中、AI 活 ⽤を含むDX 促進の機運の⾼まりに伴い当社の事業成 ⻑ 機会は拡 ⼤。 主な事業環境の変化 当社対応 ⽅ 針及び⾜ 元の状況 1プロジェクト型 サービス • リモートワークに移 ⾏する取引先が増加 • ⼀ 部企業において新規開発予算等の減少や 発注延期の懸念が⾼まる • 事業環境の変化に伴い、遠隔管理ニーズ等 が台頭し、データ・AI 利活 ⽤への社会的機 運が向上 • リモート環境を整備し、全ての受託業務を 従前どおり遂 ⾏ • 受注ペースは正常化しており、コロナ影響は 限定的...
FY12/21 2Q Financial Results
2021/08/13 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
FY12/21 2Q Financial Results
引用: before. As the use of artificial intelligence (AI) advances, and various visual and auditory information is beginning to take on more meaning than ever before, we hope that AI will not only replace conventional human judgements, but will also create new...
Conclusion of Capital and Business Alliance with SBI Holdings, Inc.
2021/06/09 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Conclusion of Capital and Business Alliance with SBI Holdings, Inc.
引用: stock (31.29% of all issued stocks) held by Whiz Asia Evolution Fund (Whiz) on June 30, 2021. • Aiming to reinforce effort to utilize big data and AI in advanced technology domain in SBI and its subsidiaries’ Financial Service Business, Asset Management...
【ALBERT】Announcement of Capital and Business Alliance with SBI Holdings, Inc.
2021/06/09 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
【ALBERT】Announcement of Capital and Business Alliance with SBI Holdings, Inc.
引用:June 9, 2021 ALBERT Inc. 【ALBERT】Announcement of Capital and Business Alliance with SBI Holdings, Inc. Further promoting "CATALYST Strategy" for cross-industry deployment in AI and big data analysis (On left to right in photo) Yoshitaka Kitao...
Notice Concerning Capital and Business Alliance with SBI Holdings, Inc., Stock Offering and Change in Largest Shareholder
2021/06/09 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Notice Concerning Capital and Business Alliance with SBI Holdings, Inc., Stock Offering and Change in Largest Shareholder
引用: contribute to industry development as an artificial intelligence (AI) development partner with a view toward AI social implementation providing “Big data analysis”, “AI algorithm development”, “AI implementation” and versatile AI products. We also offer the...
Brief Summary of Kessan Tanshin (Financial Report)
2021/11/15 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Brief Summary of Kessan Tanshin (Financial Report)
引用: profitable and continuous projects. Aiming to improve our quality of revenue. � Long-term/large-scale projects and AI system development projects expected continuous orders from customers as stock-type revenue are upward trend. � Due to the AI system...
Notice Concerning Additional Accounting of Provision for Loss on Orders Received
2021/11/15 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Notice Concerning Additional Accounting of Provision for Loss on Orders Received
引用: received at FY12/21 3 rd quarter as follows. 1. The contents of the provision for loss on orders received Due to the one of the projects of AI system development order received was delay and appearing an additional production requirement, ALBERT accounted...
Chugai and ALBERT Jointly Develop Data Scientist Training Program for Pharmaceutical Industry
2021/06/25 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Chugai and ALBERT Jointly Develop Data Scientist Training Program for Pharmaceutical Industry
引用: pharmaceutical industry In the healthcare industry, data analysis and AI are expected to be utilized in various fields, including preventive medicine and diagnostic support, personalized medicine, drug development, and extension of healthy life expectancy. In...
Notice Concerning the Launch of Development of“DX Human Resources Development Service”with Mynavi Corporation
2021/05/20 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Notice Concerning the Launch of Development of“DX Human Resources Development Service”with Mynavi Corporation
引用: numerous lifestyle information media such as higher education, weddings, news, and agriculture. On the other hand, ALBERT provides solutions such as "AI utilization consulting," “Big data analysis” "AI algorithm construction and system development," as well...
2020年12月期 投資に関する説明会開催状況について
2021/02/17 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
2020年12月期 投資に関する説明会開催状況について
引用: 15 周年を迎え、これまで⼤ 切にしてきた想いと、これから⽬ 指す姿を社員 ⾃⾝の⾔ 葉で⾔ 語化し、 新たなミッションを定めました。 © 2021 ALBERT Inc. 3新型コロナウイルス感染拡 ⼤による当社事業への影響 • 従業員及び取引先等のステークホルダーの感染拡 ⼤ 防 ⽌を最優先事項とし、「 新しい⽣ 活様式 」に即した 事業オペレーションに移 ⾏ 済み。世界的な経済環境変化の中、AI 活 ⽤を含むDX 促進の機運の⾼まりに伴い、 当社の事業成 ⻑ 機会は拡 ⼤。 主な事業環境...
Notice of Difference Forecast and Financial Results for the FY12/21 and Accounting of Income Taxes
2022/02/15 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Notice of Difference Forecast and Financial Results for the FY12/21 and Accounting of Income Taxes
引用: 2,703 250 272 146 33.06 2. THE REASON FOR THE DIFFERENCE Our business is growing by expanding transactions with existing clients including alliance partners in priority industries. It is also expanding AI system implementation support, which is...
Brief Summary of Kessan Tanshin (Financial Report)
2021/05/13 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Brief Summary of Kessan Tanshin (Financial Report)
引用: started to set up projects early this fiscal year. � Some of AI system development projects are in operation, which projects are expected continuous orders from customers. ALBERT is improving the quality of sales such as expanding stock-type revenue like...
Brief Summary of Kessan Tanshin (Financial Report)
2021/08/13 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Brief Summary of Kessan Tanshin (Financial Report)
引用: Evolution Fund, ALBERT’s major shareholder. � Long-term large-scale projects and AI system development projects expected continuous orders from customers as stock-type revenue are upward trend. ALBERT is promoting the development of a customer base that can...
【ALBERT】Announcement of Capital and Business Alliance with Mynavi Corporation
2020/12/21 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
【ALBERT】Announcement of Capital and Business Alliance with Mynavi Corporation
引用:December 21, 2020 ALBERT Inc. 【ALBERT】Announcement of Capital and Business Alliance with Mynavi Corporation Start supporting the Mynavi Group Companies for utilization AI and Digital Transformation (DX) (On left to right in photo) Takeshi Matsumoto...
Notice Concerning Capital and Business Alliance with Mynavi Corporation, and Stock Offering
2020/12/21 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Notice Concerning Capital and Business Alliance with Mynavi Corporation, and Stock Offering
引用: are the CATALYST.”. We contribute to industry development as an artificial intelligence (AI) development partner with a view toward AI social implementation providing “Big data analysis”, “AI algorithm development”, “AI implementation” and...
Notice Concerning Accounting of Provision for Less on Orders Received
2021/05/13 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Notice Concerning Accounting of Provision for Less on Orders Received
引用: for less on orders received at FY12/21 1 st quarter as follows. 1. The contents of the provision for less on orders received Due to the project of AI system development order received was delay and appearing an additional production requirement, ALBERT...
2020年12月期第2四半期 投資に関する説明会開催状況について
2020/09/29 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
2020年12月期第2四半期 投資に関する説明会開催状況について
引用: MISSION • 2020 年に創業 15 周年を迎え、これまで⼤ 切にしてきた想いと、これから⽬ 指す姿を社員 ⾃⾝の⾔ 葉で⾔ 語化し、 新たなミッションを定めました。 © 2020 ALBERT Inc. 3新型コロナウイルス感染拡 ⼤による当社事業への影響 • 従業員及び取引先等のステークホルダーの感染拡 ⼤ 防 ⽌を最優先事項とし、「 新しい⽣ 活様式 」に即した 事業オペレーションに移 ⾏ 済み。世界的な経済環境変化の中、AI 活 ⽤を含むDX 促進の機運の⾼まりに伴い、 当社の事業成...
2019年12月期 投資に関する説明会開催状況について
2020/06/10 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
2019年12月期 投資に関する説明会開催状況について
引用:したビッグデータ分析、アルゴリズム開発、AIのシステム実装等を提供する プロジェクト型サービス、2 幅広いクライアントを対象とするAIを搭載した汎 ⽤ 的な⾃ 社プロダクトの提供、 3データサイエンティスト育成 ⽀ 援の3つの事業サービスを展開。 1 プロジェクト型サービス 〜 産業に実装されるAIの開発パートナー〜 2 ⾃ 社プロダクト の提供 3 データサイエン ティスト育成 ⽀ 援 継続性の⾼い受託型プロジェクトによる収益 ライセンス収益 受託型プロジェクトに よる収益 AI 活 ⽤ 意欲の強い...
Brief Summary of Kessan Tanshin (Financial Report)
2020/11/13 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Brief Summary of Kessan Tanshin (Financial Report)
引用: less than expected. It caused the overall utilization rate to be weak. � Some of system implementation projects including big projects are in operation. We will conduct further activities for implementation of AI in society. � The sales from our focus...
Notice Concerning Capital and Business Alliance with MACNICA, Inc., and Stock Offering
2019/11/06 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Notice Concerning Capital and Business Alliance with MACNICA, Inc., and Stock Offering
引用: solving by our core analytics capabilities.”. We contribute to industry development as an artificial intelligence (AI) development partner with a view toward AI implementation providing “Big data analysis”, “AI algorithm development”, “AI implementation...
Notice Concerning Capital and Business Alliance with Nihon Unisys, Ltd., and Stock Offering
2019/11/06 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Notice Concerning Capital and Business Alliance with Nihon Unisys, Ltd., and Stock Offering
引用:-making and problem solving by our core analytics capabilities.”. We contribute to industry development as an artificial intelligence (AI) development partner with a view toward AI implementation providing “Big data analysis”, “AI algorithm development...
2019年12月期第2四半期 投資に関する説明会資料
2019/09/25 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
2019年12月期第2四半期 投資に関する説明会資料
引用:その他 ( 注 )A&T 及びA&T2 号の合計株式数を掲載。 ©2019 ALBERT Inc. All Right Reserved. 3ALBERTの事業概要・特徴 当社は、1クライアント毎に特化したビッグデータ分析、アルゴリズム開発、AIのシステム実装等を提 供するプロジェクト型サービス、2 幅広いクライアントを対象とするAIを搭載した汎用的な自社プロダ クトの提供、3データサイエンティスト育成支援の3つの事業サービスを展開。 1 プロジェクト型サービス ~ 産業に実装されるAIの開発パートナー...
Notice Concerning Business Alliance between ALBERT Inc. and ABEJA, Inc. and Installing AI-Image Recognition Service to “ABEJA Platform”
2019/08/27 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Notice Concerning Business Alliance between ALBERT Inc. and ABEJA, Inc. and Installing AI-Image Recognition Service to “ABEJA Platform”
引用:August 27, 2019 ALBERT Inc. (Stock Code: 3906) 2-21-1, Kita-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Takeshi Matsumoto, President, CEO Notice Concerning Business Alliance between ALBERT Inc. and ABEJA, Inc. and Installing AI-Image Recognition Service to “ABEJA...
Brief Summary of Kessan Tanshin (Financial Report)
2019/11/06 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Brief Summary of Kessan Tanshin (Financial Report)
引用:. Highlight of Fiscal Period Ended Dec. 2019 3rd quarter � ALBERT’s philosophy is “Help clients’ decision-making and solve problems by our core analytics capabilities.”. We contribute to industry development as an artificial intelligence (AI) development...
Notice Concerning Business Alliance Agreement between ALBERT Inc. and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.
2019/07/31 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Notice Concerning Business Alliance Agreement between ALBERT Inc. and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.
引用:’s philosophy is “Help clients’ decision-making and solve problems by our core analytics capabilities.”. We contribute to industry development as an artificial intelligence (AI) development partner with a view toward AI implementation providing “Big...
Brief Summary of Kessan Tanshin (Finacial report)
2019/07/31 【3906】株式会社ALBERTその他
Brief Summary of Kessan Tanshin (Finacial report)
引用: Period Ended Dec. 2019 2nd quarter � ALBERT’s philosophy is “Help clients’ decision-making and solve problems by our core analytics capabilities.”. We contribute to industry development as an artificial intelligence (AI) development partner with a view...
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